Estimation of Sequestered Carbon in King County Forests
s of Publications T.J., Davis., B. Klinkenberg, and C.P.Keller. Updating Inventory Using Ob-lique Videogrammetry and Data Fusion.Journal of Forestry, March 2002, vol.100, no. 2, pp. 45-50(6) It is often necessary to make a tradeoffbetween the cost of generating a newinventory and the need for up-to-dateinformation to facilitate management. Yet,in some cases, only specific areas need tobe updated. Here we introduce a systemfor fast, cost-efficient inventory updatethat fuses oblique video with GIS-baseddata. The oblique view also serves toreduce the issue of cloud cover, makesinterpretation easier, and enablesnonstereoscopic aerial measurement ofheight. Tests indicate that the data pro-duced compare favorably with high-reso-lution orthoimagery. G.K. Sims and M.M. Wander. ProteolyticActivity Under Nitrogen or Sulfur Limi-tation. Applied Soil Ecology, March2002, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 217-221(5) Sand cultures were used to evaluate theeffect of C, N, and S ratio on proteindegradation by soil microorganisms. Sandwas inoculated with soil and amendedwith defined nutrient media to producelimitation for C, N, or S. Limitation for N orS resulted in reduced biomass (total pro-tein) and increased proteolytic activity asindicated by measurements of dye re-leased from a commercial protease sub-strate (azocoll). Carbon limitation had littleeffect on proteolytic activity. As expected,utilization of carbon (glucose) was de-pendent upon the availability of N or S.Protein synthesis inhibitors (chloram-phenicol and cycloheximide) suppressedproteolytic activity, suggesting a needfor new gene expression in the responseof organisms to N or S stress. Correlationsof proteolytic activity and biomass amongtreatments revealed distinctly different re-lationships depending upon the availabil-ity of C, N, or S. The results of this experi-ment support a role of proteolytic activityin response of microorganisms to N or Sdeprivation and suggest that protease ac-tivity in soil is more strongly influenced byregulatory signals than by standing biom-ass. C.F. Scagel and R.G. Linderman. Modifi-cation of Root IAA Concentrations, TreeGrowth, and Survival by Application ofPlant Growth Regulating Substances toContainer-Grown Conifers. New For-ests, March 2001, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 159-186(28) Tree survival after planting is partially afunction of the tree's capacity to producenew roots. In a field trial we assessed thepotential to modify the IAA concentrationin roots, root growth responses, and plantsurvival by root application of plant growthregulators (PGRs) such as IBA, NAA, andethylene, or alginate, a moisture retentionmaterial. Container-grown Douglas-fir,Englemann spruce, and lodgepole pinewere lifted before and during prescribedlifting windows and treated with Stim-root®, Ethrel®, Hormogel®, or alginatebefore or after cold-storage, then plantedin a clearcut. Lifting trees outside of theprescribed lifting window decreased IAAconcentrations in roots of Douglas-fir,Englemann spruce, and lodgepole pine.Treating plants with different PGRs aftercold storage increased root IAA concen-trations and root growth after plantingcompared to treating plants prior to coldstorage. Root growth and above groundplant growth and survival were well corre-lated to IAA concentrations in roots ofDouglas-fir and Englemann spruce. IAAconcentrations in roots of lodgepole pinecorrelated with root growth, but did notcorrelate with survival. A cost analysis oftreatment effects on growth and survivalshowed that certain post-cold storage PGRtreatments can decrease the cost neces-sary to attain target stocking and increasethe size of the trees. Our results suggestthat application of PGRs or other root-promoting materials to tree roots beforeplanting has the potential to be a cost-beneficial method for increasing rootgrowth and tree survival.T.L. Noland, G.H. Mohammed, and R.G.Wagner. Morphological Characteris-tic Associated with Tolerance to Com-petition fromHerbaceousVegetation for Seedlings of JackPine,Black Spruce, and White Pine. NewForests, May 2001, vol. 21, no. 3, pp.199-215(17) Tolerance of bareroot and container-grown seedlings of black spruce (Piceamariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), jack pine (Pinusbanksiana Lamb.), and eastern white pine(Pinus strobus L.) to competition fromherbaceous vegetation was examined inthe first five years after planting on asite in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence for-est of Ontario, Canada. Shoot and rootmorphological characteristics of variousstocktypes were measured before plant-ing and correlated with 5-year survivaland growth following control and nocontrol of herbaceous vegetation. Forblack spruce and jack pine, medium-sized bareroot stocktypes had greaterrelative 5-year stem volume growth inthe presence of herbaceous vegetationthan did container stock of either spe-cies or large bareroot stock of spruce.Relative volume growth was measuredas the ratio of the cumulative stem vol-ume increment in the presence of veg-etation (Veg) to that in the absence ofvegetation (NoVeg), i.e., the Veg:NoVegratio. In white pine, the Veg:NoVeg ratioof volume increment of medium con-tainer and large bareroot stocktypes ex-ceeded that of small container and me-dium bareroot stocktypes. In jack pine,root collar diameter at planting and num-ber of first-order lateral roots were posi-tively correlated with 5-year Veg:NoVegratio of volume increment. In white pine,the Veg:NoVeg ratio was also positivelycorrelated with root collar diameter atplanting and with root volume. In blackspruce, the ratio was not related to pre-plant morphology. Thus, for white pineand jack pine, certain pre-plant morpho-logical features may be useful in fore-casting the relative ability of differentstocktypes to grow under herbaceouscompetition conditions in the field. College of Forest ResourcesUniversity of WashingtonBox 352100Seattle WA 98195SMC PUBLICATIONSThe following can be downloaded free of charge from the SMC web site, (, or you may purchase boundcopies at the indicated price. To order please contact Megan O’Shea at [email protected], or 206.543.9744. Flewelling, J., Collier, R., Gonyea, B., Marshall, D., Turnblom, E. Height-Age Curves for Planted Stands of Douglas fir, withAdjustments for Density, $10.00 Briggs, D., Trobaugh, J. Management Practices on Pacific Northwest West-Side Industrial Forest Lands, 1991-2000: WithProjections to 2005, $30.00 OTHER PUBLICATIONSBriggs, D. Forest Products Measurements and Conversion Factors-With Special Emphasis on the U.S. Pacific Northwest,$23.00. It is also available free on the web at Projects, click Conversion Factors Calculator, then click the book title followed by the chapter of interest. A new on-linecalculation version is presently under development. Proceedings of the First International Precession Forestry Cooperative Symposium, June 17-20, 2001, $15.00, or download acopy free of charge from the PFC web site: To order pleasecontact Megan O’Shea at [email protected], or 206.543.9744
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تاریخ انتشار 2002